Members of the Greater Manchester U3A Network
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Active Local Research – 'Cottonopolis'
You may have realised from October's TAM that active research is currently something of a U3A priority. Well, the U3A Greater Manchester Network, for its part, has been developing a research project entitled Cottonopolis, aimed at encouraging coordinated research activity among its constituent U3As. This is an exciting venture in which we are seeking the collaboration of the University of Manchester.
The phenomenon of the world's first industrial city – known as 'Cottonopolis' since 1812 – astonished everyone then, and its affect is still rippling outwards today. We'd like to invite members of U3As in the network to join in local research, with a view to contributing their results towards a larger shared outcome. Whether your interest is in transport or art, health studies or craft, these aspects of our way of life have been, and continue to be, inexorably moulded by the significance of the city of Manchester.
We have produced a short booklet of activity ideas which you can download from:
This should be viewed as a work-in-progress rather than a finished publication and members are invited to submit ideas for improving or expanding it. Please consider how your U3A can participate in this special project, which seeks to take advantage of our unique geographical location. The necessary contact details will be found in the booklet.